Showing posts with label Military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Military. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Russian Military Problems

Russian Military Problems

Russian Military Problems - By now, it's no secret: Russian troops are facing logistical problems in Ukraine - from a convoy being stopped outside Kyiv to reports of Russian troops raiding grocery stores for food. Experts debate whether the problem is due to pollution, poor planning or both.

Over the decades, the Russian military began to professionalize its police structure, relying more on contract soldiers rather than conscripts. In comparison, the United States ended conscription and became an all-volunteer police force in the 1970s.

Russian Military Problems

Russian Troops Grapple With Shortages Of Food, Fuel And Morale In UkraineSource:

However, unlike Russia, the United States. The military quickly ended conscription and spent significant resources building (and evaluating) an elaborate system of programs designed to recruit, train, support and retain a highly professional workforce. Although Russia's efforts to professionalize have been somewhat slow, there is some evidence that their military scholars are looking to the United States for insight.

Issue Briefs And Reports

Articles and other content appearing on the Modern War Institute website are unofficial expressions of opinion. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the United States Military Academy, the Department of the Army, or the Department of Defense.

Providing fuel and ammunition to a modern military is always a major challenge, especially when embarking on deep offensive operations that stretch supply lines. The US Army also had to take an operational hiatus during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 due to logistics and truck shortages.

The Russian army is no exception. While Russian forces face serious logistical challenges, armies have overcome such difficulties in the past and are unlikely to be fatal to an attack. The latest standoff in Kharkiv is one of many consequences of Russian command failures.

They still happen, because the only thing to learn from these events is to acknowledge that they happened. While Russian nationalist sources and even senior commanders are increasingly questioning the way the conflict will be contested, these concerns are unlikely to turn into learning opportunities without Moscow's consent.

Failure Of Leadership

The 82% force commitment collected does not mean that President Vladimir Putin is "spent", the official added. "On the contrary, it continues to add to its options" and "is not at the extreme in terms of available combat capabilities."

The Russian military is also struggling to coordinate the different components of its forces - ground and air, for example - and make them work together properly. In contrast, the Ukrainian side was more flexible, showing the ability to react quickly where necessary.

Russia Has A Military Professionalism Problem, And It Is Costing Them In  Ukraine - Breaking DefenseSource:

"Since 2014 Ukraine has had serious problems with modernization due to its economic problems, so the army has modern air defenses and artillery, especially anti-battery artillery radar and other surveillance equipment that has some chance of detecting and at least stopping artillery

the enemy. They have their own," Reynolds told CNN. . Russian material is generally surprisingly well designed and adequately built. To take a specific example, the Orlan-10, the main drone flown by the Russian forces, is cheap and easy to operate.

Fear Of Failure

sophisticated, but can fly high enough to be targeted by short range air defenses and has a long range.-The use of ranged air defenses is too cheap to justify its use, and is designed to be completely

awkward to destroy, providing its operators with an adequate view of the battlefield to identify targets However, these strengths do not compensate for the significant shortcomings of the Russian military To begin with, organization: The Russian military is small, high

- Intensity Designed to fight fierce battles. Without a full national mobilization, it is too small, its units lack the logistical capacity, and its equipment is inadequate for a long war. When the Russian military issued orders to its troops in the fall of 2021, it estimated the need for them to be deployed for nine months.

Now that limit is being reached. The Ukrainians, in contrast, have been organizing their army for this exact type of war since 2014. The success of the Kharkiv resistance was rooted in the deception of Russian intelligence, which caused them to redeploy their forces at a critical moment

. There is talk that Russia will withdraw to establish a new front line, although there is doubt about their ability to coordinate their limited forces into a meaningful deterrent. One aspect of deep mechanical operations that receives less attention than logistics is management.

Armored vehicles break - a lot. Although there are more at the regimental or brigade level, Russian battalion tactical groups have on average only one light vehicle and one heavy recovery vehicle, a combined arms formation of up to a thousand soldiers.

The Growing Russian Military Threat In EuropeSource:

This is not a problem during short range operations. Combat formations have organic capabilities to create effective area security around their battlefield footprints. Recovery vehicles can pick up broken equipment quickly with fewer escorts because a friendly force is always nearby.

Short tow distances allow recovery vehicles to make multiple turns in a short time, something Russian forces can do with a small number of battalion-level recovery vehicles. If Russia takes the capital soon, it will be difficult for Ukraine to fight back.

But if that fails, the dispute could become lengthy. And that's a scenario where Ukraine's decision could be a powerful tool, Mitchell said. The Russian military also benefits from its facilities. The Russians have an efficient rail network that facilitates the movement of combat equipment.

They have many factories to produce weapons, companies directly involved in government control, and access to much needed raw materials. Where the West has pursued efficiency at the expense of durability, the Russians still have high efficiency in their production lines.

This is less true for precision weapons, as Russia does not have a sophisticated microelectronics industry and therefore has to import critical components. Under Putin is Russia's military infrastructure, much of which is directly related to the invasion of Ukraine.

The initial invasion was massive, involving no less than four of Russia's military district headquarters. It introduced a lot of bureaucracy and slowed down the decision-making process. An effective military requires people and equipment, but also a strategy to guide what those people do with that equipment.

Enough has been written about people and equipment, but we believe that the current war in Ukraine points to some of the hidden problems in the Russian military personnel and personnel system. We cannot speak to Russia's military strategy or the equipment they use.

However, we can suggest what Russian service members do with their devices. The failures seen among the Russian rank and file suggest that this country has fundamental problems in its efforts to professionalize its police structure.

The Russian Military's Debacle In Ukraine | The New YorkerSource:

But you don't have to take our word for it, the Russian military and their officers have released research - sometimes with data - to support this conclusion. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy leads Ukrainian forces and those forces have "displaced their assets well," the US official said, adding that "the will to fight is very strong" among Ukrainians.

Security aid from the United States and other countries also continues to flow to Ukraine, and Ukrainian officials have indicated that they are taking advantage of it. Even in 2022, the modern Russian military is still struggling to overcome the rigid command structures and top-down decision making of its Soviet legacy.

Although the ability of field commanders to make quick decisions is also questionable, the fear of failure does not allow for risk or experimentation on the battlefield. To be clear, this is not just a Russian problem.

This is common to all armies in the world. But this is a very painful problem for the Russians at the moment. In the north and south, the Russian army carried out deep penetration attacks up to 120 miles.

Initially, no forces were left behind to secure the line of communication. This meant that broken vehicles were abandoned or combat vehicles had to be diverted to remove them. Based on multiple images emerging online, Russian commanders decided to abandon their vehicles after a certain point.

The crew initially stayed with them, but as resistance emerged the Russian army stopped the crew from leaving for fear they would be captured or killed. A control problem also delays operations but does not stop them.

Major vehicle losses are damaging but not catastrophic. Russian factories were away from the fighting and could make up for Russian losses; Ukraine's main combat vehicle factory is located in Kharkiv, where heavy fighting is currently ongoing and parts of the factory have already been destroyed.

Once the new railheads are established, the Russian forces will have the opportunity to transport new vehicles by rail and revitalize their fighting forces. They are also likely to recover some of their abandoned vehicles as the National Guard continues to establish area security throughout the occupied territories.

Russia Set To Launch 'Assault' On Kyiv After Putin'S Troops Overcoming Logistics Problems ...Source:

The official said the Ukrainian resistance was "very efficient and creative," and that Russia was still having trouble supplying fuel and food to its forces, but it was unclear whether those problems stemmed from poor planning or execution.

bad, or both. "We believe they have moral issues that led to effective operational success" north of Kyiv, the official said. The official previously pointed to signs of Russia's reluctance to "take high risks with their own aircraft and their own pilots" as a factor in the slow progress elsewhere in Ukraine.

Russia lost many of its senior officers to enemy fire. Most junior officers do not have the authority to make decisions without supervision or confidence, so senior commanders must maintain a direct presence on the battlefield to provide direction and inspiration.

In the United States military, the Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Corps steps up to make sure everything goes smoothly. But the Gen said. David Petraeus, former commander of US forces in Afghanistan, told CNN last week that Russia's new NCO corps is nearly underdeveloped.

So rather than a disciplined and deliberate reverse-RSOI, Russian troops are likely to throw away, burn, or sell most of what's left. Russia's offensive against Ukraine has been slower than many Western analysts expected. In some areas, Russian forces advanced as much as 120 miles in the first two days before collapsing.

Elsewhere, especially around Kharkiv, the Russian attack immediately failed. Some of the delays were the result of successful Ukrainian resistance, particularly around Kharkiv, while others were the result of logistical challenges faced by the Russian military;

Some US officials have suggested that logistics is a "definite vulnerability" for Russia. This seriously hampers efforts to move and produce new units. Ukraine struggles with training because, unlike Russia, its facilities are under missile attack - hence the importance of training in the UK - but the training provided is much better.

today, Russia's army in Ukraine has not stopped because of its problems. Once the captured railroads are implemented, the Russian military is likely to overcome its transportation and maintenance challenges. A new railhead is available in Kherson in support of the drive against Одеса.

Russian Troops Held Me Captive At Gunpoint For Two Weeks In Ukraine. Here's  What I Learned. - Breaking DefenseSource:

In the north of Dnipro, another railhead will be established somewhere. Kyiv operation only takes a long time, because the railway lines that go to that place go through Chernihiv and Nizhny, Russian armed forces have to be cleared before the battle for Kyiv begins.

After the new railheads are established, it reduces pressure on Russian truck-borne logistics by reducing supply lines. Perhaps one of the greatest weaknesses of the country's military system, however, is training. First, it just doesn't do enough.

For example, at the beginning of the war, there were less than 100 fully trained Russian pilots in Ukraine, even though Russia had deployed at least 317 fighter jets to the theater. So when Russian troops arrived in Belarus at the end of January, they only got days instead of weeks to conduct RSOI and went directly to exercises with Belarus - where they used up most of their supplies.

Then they waited... and they waited. finally they said they would leave. For packing, a purposeful process separates usable materials from those that cannot be used in their standard operating procedure, and carefully noting where they are packed.

But during this time, they were traveling, living in tents, eating military rations and dealing with cold temperatures for weeks. வார்கு சியுக்கு, அலைக்கியியுக்கிட்டு, வியு கார்க்குக்குக்க்குக்குக்கு However, many of Russia's challenges are now on display, but have been simply hidden for years.

Although some of these problems existed during previous Russian military operations, the fierce resistance of the Ukrainians, as evident from the reports of several Russian generals killed in Ukraine, is exposing them more clearly than during past conflicts.

மாட்ட்டுல் கோக்கு கிர்கியிகியியுக்கு மாட்டை Many generals' death, senior officials may talk about the need to direct field operations in person, is a potential sign of a lack of trust in the chain of command. "It's about 60 warring groups, including. The situation is developing rapidly and that number may change, but it's very big and it's important. It's the biggest thing we've seen in Eastern Europe in many years - in my lifetime," Mitchell told CNN. For example, in 2014, Russian

More than a quarter of their own personnel surveyed by the military's sociology center reported problems with their infantry equipment. A 2020 article in the Ministry of Defense Military Journal talks about a gap in the deployment of advanced systems and the ability of service members to operate them effectively. Eastern Military District Commander

Gennady Zaytko ((PDF) heavily involved in the conflict) bemoaned the shortage of officers at battalion and regimental level in 2020. The Russian invasion of Ukraine appears to have gone without a hitch. The internet is flooded with reports of Russian soldiers stranded in convoys, deserting their units and unable to maintain their equipment.

not. Russia's effort to collect and confirm examples of abandoned, destroyed and captured military installations was forced to end due to the inability of its aides to keep up the pace. other departments showed signs of confusion and CNA Russia expert and ex-CIA military analyst Jeffrey Edmonds insider described as "operational errors", follow-on support or military convoys sent without air-raid operations to surprise attacks.

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Robotic Military

Robotic Military

Robotic Military - In this context, providing human pressure makes sense. Obviously, for example, pilots must have full control over the flight controls. But the Germanwings tragedy of 2015, when co-pilot Andreas Lubitz accidentally crashed in the French mountains, killing 150 passengers, made matters worse.

Perhaps, in fact, no pilot should be allowed to navigate the computer - at least if that means they can fly the plane on the side of a cliff? Jiren Parikh: It is important to separate the two.

Robotic Military

Iai Debuts New Hybrid Ground Robot Joining The Uk Army InventorySource:

SPUR, or Fuelless Special Purpose from SWORD Defense, has no autonomy and no AI. It appears from a distance and one must do it. There is always an operator in the loop. SWORD's clients include special operations teams all over the world, and when SWORD contacted us through a former member of the special operations team, the idea was to create a proof of concept through the journey.

How Does The Military Use Robots?

They wanted a way to keep the person who would otherwise pull the weapon away from the gun to reduce the risk they would be in. We thought it was a great idea. The Vision 60 is similar to Spot, the popular Internet robot-dog from Waltham, Massachusetts-based Boston Dynamics.

Both four-legged robots participated in a September 2020 exercise at Nellis Air Force Base. The similarities don't end there either: both can climb stairs, navigate difficult terrain, and escape if they fall. Vision 60 and Spot each have an average weight of 31 pounds. Both robots have a maximum acceleration of 5.24 feet per second, but Ghost Robotics claims that the Vision 60 will be able to run at 9.84 feet per second, or

and 6.71 mph. I remember looking at this topic in 2001-2004 to give robot tracking arms. There are many logistical problems associated with it, but one of the biggest "show stoppers" is that the effective range of the targeting system is less than the weapon's lethality.

There is no good way to know what your favorite thing is, which limits things. As a result, the weapon that seems to be good enough to use against robots is the shotgun, which is not very useful against robots.

What Are Military Robots?

Last week, the Association of the American Armed Forces (AUSA) was held in Washington. One of the exhibitors was Ghost Robotics - we've already covered the four-legged robot that originated at the University of Pennsylvania with the Minitaur.

2016. Since then, Ghost has continued to grow, the lowest "four unmanned ground vehicles" (Q-UGVs) suitable for a variety of applications, one of which is military. International humanitarian law, which regulates armed conflicts, poses additional challenges for independent arms producers.

The basic principle of war is the principle of discrimination: the need for attackers to distinguish between combatants and civilians. However, guerrilla or insurgent warfare has become common in recent years, and the fighters in such situations rarely wear uniforms, which is difficult to distinguish.

Awesome Military Robots Book By Carla Mooney | EpicSource:

they and civilians. If you consider the problems that the military is facing in this field, it is easy to see the dangers associated with the machine gun system. We are all for order. We are all for it.

Fire Fighting Military Robots

This is what everyone should be right now. What those rules are, what you can or can't do, and how AI is deployed, I think that's up to the politicians and the armed services. The question is whether the rest of the world will protect it, so we must be honest and ready to protect ourselves from unknown nations or terrorist groups that feel differently.

Burying yourself in the sand is not the solution. "There is a possibility of achieving the ultimate ballistic effect by impacting the threat with a direct weapon system, but if we consider the nature of the battlefield, I would argue that while we are seeing the impact, there is another aspect that we are not

no. talk." It's coming from the end of the gun," he said. "There's cyber, there's [electronic warfare] — not just the threat of mechanical and chemical destruction, but the threat of destruction in terms of cyber and the EW environment.

1. Small bots: Talon is used in the military at this time. Its small size also looks like a small tank. It has different sensors for audio and video. It can withstand all weather conditions. I'll tell you personally: Until I joined Ghost Robotics, I had no experience of the stress, chaos, and pain our servicemen and women go through to protect us.

Mine Clearance Military Robots

Some of the special ops people we talk to, they can't say what they do, but you can hear it when they talk about their colleagues and their colleagues that they lost. The amount of energy that goes into protecting us from these people we don't even know is truly amazing and we take it for granted.

There are different types of robots used in the military. The military uses these plastics for bomb disposal and research. Some robots are heavy and some are very heavy. These robots are designed to be used on the battlefield.

If the military uses this technology, then it will show good results. This will save soldiers' lives and money. These robots are available in different sizes and shapes. They are organized according to their use. Some are easy and some are heavy.

Soldiers use them to move large items from one place to another or to activate buried mines because they cannot be detected easily or to protect their lives in a dangerous operation. Such battle bots may be a turning point in history.

Killer Robots: The Future Of War? | Essay By Toby Walsh | BritannicaSource:

Mine Clearance Military Robots

Scientists have described the drone system as today where the horse came back at the end of the last century. Air Force Chief James A. Roy said they coincided with the birth of the airplane, and Bill Gates compared computers today to where computers were in 1980. At DoDAAM, Park has what seems to be an adjustment.

sound "When we get to the point where we have a turret that can make autonomous decisions, we'll make sure the AI ​​follows the right Army orders." We follow that statement and incorporate these principles into our system." For this broader, more humane thinking to continue, its proponents must win an ideological battle about the proper role of government and

security conflicts in their own countries. They must shift their political agenda from foreign domination to serving the needs of the people at home. He traces the rise of America's national security situation - what he sees as a "hunting empire" - by Ian Gr

Shaw asked: “Are we not seeing an increase in power over compassion, support over security, control over capital, and war over prosperity?” Stopping this escalation should be a major goal of modern AI and robotics policy, the vision

Military Transportation Robots

The remote 60 can operate remotely or autonomously. In remote mode, a human operator selects the target and opens fire. So an autonomous weapon like the Vision 60 can line up its gun of a sniper on a target (and he counted i

fighting shooting), but he cannot open fire, only a man can do that. In 2010 this year, it is one of the new types of automatic weapons that can detect, track and destroy moving targets from a distance, theoretically without human intervention, of

The device has proven popular and profitable. since launch, each , as an integrated security system Part of the themes, have spent more than $40m (£28m) each. The tower is currently used in many places in the Middle East, including three air bases in the United Arab Emirates (Al Dhafra, Al Safran, and Al Minad), the Royal Palace in Abu Dhabi, the Qatar Armory, and

many others. unspecified airports. , power stations, oil pipelines and air bases in other places around the world. In principle, the superiority of machine violence over human violence may seem logical. Killing during wartime is often the result of irrational emotions.

Military Transportation Robots

However, we often think deeply not for the violence committed in the heat of passion, but for the murderer who planned his attack coldly. The history of war offers many examples of carefully planned massacres. And of course, any robotic weapon system can be programmed with some sort of override function, controlled by human operators, that is subject to all sorts of human biases and irrationalities.

Autonomous Military Robots: The Future Of Warfare?Source:

"If you lose a leg, instead of replacing that limb, why not grow your bad arm to give you more work?" She said. But the group envisions the use of such devices by people without disabilities.

How should world leaders respond to the prospect of these dangerous new weapons technologies? One option is to make concerted efforts to prevent other forms of direct homicide. To understand whether such international arms control agreements will work, it is worth looking back.

A mine that is used to kill or injure anyone who steps on it or near it is a weapon. He scared the fighters in the first world war. Cheap and easy to deploy, landmines continue to be used in minor conflicts around the world.

Military Robots Can Be Protectors Too

In 1994, the military destroyed 100 meters of landmines in 62 countries. They can do the job quickly and easily. As we know, soldiers are always ready to die for their motherland, but their lives are also precious.

Therefore, these robots are designed to save their lives in an operation where their lives are at risk. Instead of banning deadly robots, the US military prefers order. Concerns about malfunctions, errors, or other unintended consequences of automatic weaponry have led to a measure of military engineering reform.

For example, PW Singer of the New America Foundation would allow the robot to "use only non-lethal weapons." So an autonomous drone can patrol the desert and, say, intercept or engage a fighter, but the "kill decision" will be for humans.

This way, even if the fighter tries to destroy the drone, he cannot destroy the plane. 3. Small Bots: Matilda is like other small bots, but designed like a professional. Matilda weighs about 28 kg because of the batteries inside.

The Perils Of Success

It has many sensors with audio, video, camera and can even a small trailer. At AUSA, Ghost has 60 Vision robots on display with a selection of appropriate security equipment, including the above system, which has a remote-controlled gun designed by a company called SWORD International for

the robot. The robotic revolution is more evident in the public safety and defense industry. The development of drones has revolutionized the industry. Currently, military robots are helping to conduct reconnaissance, support on the war front and perform patrol duties.

Feature - Down To Earth | AdbrSource:

Similarly, the fully autonomous version of the Predator drone can decide whether or not to shoot at a house, the inhabitants of which are both enemy soldiers and civilians. As a software engineer, how do you create a set of rules for such a device that must be followed in these scenarios?

Is it possible to program the device to think for itself? For many, the easiest solution is to turn the page of these questions by simply asking for any automatic machine that endangers human life in order to allow human pressure.

Search And Rescue Military Robots

This is the reason why guns were banned by the Ottawa Convention in 1997. They imagined, most fundamentally, autonomous weapons that would explode if anyone stepped on them. Indeed, this may be the least effective way to ensure security, both nationally and internationally.

The planes allowed the United States to maintain its presence in the various occupied zones longer than the army would have. The constant presence of a robot that can alert soldiers of any threatening behavior is a form of harassment.

American defense forces may insist that the threat from parts of Iraq and Pakistan is sufficiently dangerous to justify constant vigilance, but they ignore the ways in which such authoritarian actions can provoke the anger it is intended to suppress.

On a green hill overlooking Daejeon's tree-lined perimeter in South Korea, an automaton tower idly stares at the horizon. This is about the size of a large dog; fat, white and clean. The belt of bullets - 0.50 caliber, such as the one that can stop a truck - is strapped to one shoulder.

History Of Military Robots

The ethernet cable runs from the base of the gun and runs through the manicured lawn to a small tent that, in the heat of a Korean afternoon, you'd be forgiven for hoping that it might contain plates of cucumber sandwiches and a pot of tea.

Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov's first law of robotics, that "a robot may not harm a person or, by inaction, harm a person", seems to be broken soon. Human Rights Watch's call for an outright ban on "the development, production and use of fully autonomous weapons" seems surprisingly unrealistic.

Such machines already exist and are sold on the market - however, as DoDAAM's park said, their capabilities are "limited". The armed forces do the most difficult work than ordinary people. Some of the most difficult tasks, which are assigned to the army's special personnel, are walking in the field of mines;

8 Advanced Military Robot Designs You Should Know AboutSource:

Finding unexploded bombs and other tasks. But when we use robots instead of soldiers, people's lives are saved and only a small amount can be destroyed. So, different countries are trying to create robots for these purposes.

Benefits Of Military Robots

Weapons have always been big business and the AI ​​arms race promises profits to the technically savvy and politically well-connected. Counseling against an arms race may seem completely unrealistic. After all, nations are devoting massive resources to artificial intelligence military applications, and many citizens don't know or care.

However, this persistent attitude may change over time, as the internal use of artificial intelligence for surveillance increases and this technology is increasingly identified with shadow control apparatuses rather than democratically accountable local forces. This type of robot soldier can be of great use when there is a fire.

He can help a soldier save his life from danger. A fire fighting robot is a type of robot that can be connected to a hydrant to put out a fire. They can save the life of the victim and also the life of the firemen.

This type of robot army, which helps firefighters, is not yet widespread. However, some robot armies are currently in use for such purposes. Some of these types of robot soldiers help to investigate the fire scene.

Fire Fighting Robots

There are also several giant remote control fire extinguishers. South Korea has become a leader in military robotics in this field because the country shares borders with its blood enemy, according to DoDAAM executive director Myung Kwang Chang (a shy man who wanders the corridors of his factory, followed by a beautiful husky with bright blue eyes. Be warned, never

sevekho). "Request is the mother of imagination", he says. "We live in a unique environment. We are strong and always an enemy. Because of this constant threat, we have a strong tradition in this country of developing military and innovative support technologies.

Our weapons do not sleep, as people need. They see darkness, as humans cannot. Thus, our technology overcomes the gaps in human capabilities. "The army plans to be flexible with the industry. "We're going to make additions to our requests, where we don't want to just say, "Everything is modular.

"You can change each load in 30 minutes or less," said Wallace. For some downloads, the service knows that the process may take hours. 7. Flying bots: The predator plays a very important role in the army.

The Military Slow March To Embracing Technology

It helps the military to control the members of the team and also to track the enemy troops who are waiting for the destruction of the team members. It provides constant real-time information on troops, enemy troops and even weather conditions.

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Russian Military Medals

Russian Military Medals

Russian Military Medals - He argued a year ago that his main goal in invading Ukraine was to reduce what he saw as a threat to Russia's security, and has since cited this as justification for the possible use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

Have done Current Russian commanders are a bit simpler in decoration. But some officers wore so many medals that soldiers mocked them, calling them "iconostasis," after a wall of icons and images found in Eastern Orthodox churches, according to Russian media.

Russian Military Medals

Eliot Higgins On Twitter: Some Of The Members Of This Unit Also Took Part  In Planning Cruise Missile Attacks On Targets In Syria And/Or Worked At Russia's  Military Command Centre In Damascus.Source:

Putin said in a speech earlier this week suspending Russia's role in the 2010 New START treaty that France and Britain, not parties to the accord, would join the United States in targeting Russia with nuclear weapons.

They went. This may affect order delivery and delivery times. Please rest assured that we are committed to serving our customers - producing and delivering your orders on time! In case of any queries or delays, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thanks for your support and understanding!! WWII military uniform 1943 Soviet NKVD officer. This splendid uniform is made from very high quality military woolen fabric. The gymnasterka shirt is finished with shoulder boards (all ratings available), finished with gold khaki metal buttons with stars.

Military Awards, Decorations And Medals Of RussiaSource:

The uniform includes: gymnasterka jacket with shoulder boards and galif pants. This uniform looks perfect and feels very comfortable. New condition, never used. Other accessories are not included. Please select additional items below. Soviet infantry officer military uniform of 1943.

This splendid uniform is made from very high quality military woolen fabric. The gymnasterka shirt is finished with shoulder boards (all ratings available), finished with gold khaki metal buttons with stars. The uniform includes: gymnasterka jacket with shoulder boards and galif pants.

This uniform looks perfect and feels very comfortable. New condition, never used. Please select additional items below. In an interview with Russian TV recorded on Wednesday and broadcast on Sunday, he said he was taking the action to "preserve our country, ensure security and strategic stability" and added: "In the current circumstances, when

All major NATO countries have declared the objective to defeat us strategically, to demoralize our people... How can we not take into account their nuclear capabilities? On top of that, they owe Ukraine billions of dollars.

Russia's Gold Star Medals To Russian Heroism In The Special Military  Operation In Ukraine - YoutubeSource:

supplying arms." It came as Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview aired on Sunday that after Russia suspended its participation in the latest arms control treaty with Washington, it would limit the nuclear weapons capabilities of not only the United States but other NATO countries.

will "count" the such as France and England. We bought Soviet orders, medals, badges and a whole collection. We are able to offer high prices as we charge very low margin and overhead is low. That's why we can give you the best prices on the Internet!

Compare this to Vietnam veteran Robert Lewis Howard, widely regarded as America's most accomplished soldier. Howard, who retired as a lieutenant colonel and died in 2010, also has a chest decorated with medals: 88 decorations to be exact, including the Medal of Honor and a staggering eight Purple Hearts.

Are. In fact, Howard was reportedly able to collect six more Purple Hearts for combat wounds, but "informed his superiors that the other six wounds were not severe enough to warrant a medal and declined the award".

Russia – Soviet: A Superb Order Of The Red Banner And Medal For Bravery  Group Of 5 Awards To Lieutenant Of The Medical Service I.g. Grigorian For  His Bravery In The ImmediateSource:

," according to one news account. Ramzan Kadyrov, a close aide of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has awarded himself a prestigious medal and declared himself a "hero". Kadyrov's newly created medal, named Hero of Chechnya, was announced three months earlier, and he reportedly awarded it to himself as the first recipient.

Izvestia highlighted the simple outfit of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu: “The army chief, who has received dozens of awards over the years in high office, has set a personal example for his subordinates. Sergei Shoigu entered the parade on May 9 in his uniform, carrying only two rows of the five most important orders and medals.

In addition to the "Golden Star" of the Hero of Russia, the orders of Alexander Nevsky and "For Personal Courage", as well as other highest honors, were attached to the minister's official tunic. Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.

Its history begins with the history of the Eastern Slavs and the establishment of the kingdom in 862 over northern Russia ruled by the Vikings. The Grand Duchy of Moscow became the Russian Empire in 1547, while dissatisfaction with the autocratic system of government led to a revolution in Russia in 1917.

World War Ii Russian Military Medals Stock Photo 48638605 | ShutterstockSource:

Throughout its history, we have seen many medals and orders of Russia that have been awarded for valiant acts and service to the country. He said: “On behalf of the representatives of the parliament of the Chechen Republic and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on being awarded the highest title of the republic - Hero of the Chechen Republic for No. 1, perhaps the most popular Russian

The medals are the Order of Lenin (highest civilian award), the Medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union (highest award in the Soviet Union) and the Order of the October Revolution (established for the 50th anniversary of Russia's Revolution). This honor came amid rumors that

The ruthless warrior who was promoted by Putin to colonel general in Russia's national guard during the conflict has recently been spending time at his estates in Dubai and the Maldives, while his troops - known for their brutality

go - were involved in the fighting. Ukraine. "Now only two rows of five medals can be worn," said the Russian newspaper Izvestia. This means that service personnel can wear more than 10 medals on two boards on the left side of the tunic,

New Russian Military Narc Table Medal - 186790, Medals, Patches & Pins At Sportsman'S GuideSource:

Awards and departmental heraldic insignia may not be applied. Civil awards and insignia of public organizations Parade uniforms are prohibited. The first few officer uniforms contained an entire "iconostasis", as it was humorously known by soldiers.

And this casual attitude towards decorations does nothing to enhance the prestige of the officers and the prestige of the armed forces." Mr Burns told CBS: "He sees this as a direct threat to the ambition that a Russian leader has

cuts to the core of their views, and I think this is the background to the horrific aggression that they have unleashed." use your registration. This may include advertising from us and third parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. Western military aid as more information inserted in the invaded country

, the Russian leader and his foreign minister described the war as a real fight between Russia and not only Ukraine but also NATO. Ukraine's allies have insisted that they want Ukraine to defend itself and not be captured by Russia.

engaged in battle while equipping to recapture lost territory Want to avoid being overtly combative. Michael Peck is a contributing writer for The National Interest. He can be found on Twitter, Facebook. or on its web site.

This article was first published in March 2020 and is being republished due to reader interest. The breast salad was significantly smaller than Brezhnev, who also awarded a World War II decoration to his son-in-law, who was only 5 years old when the medal was to be earned (Brezhnev himself served as World War II commissioner

Was) . The late Soviet leader's self-promotion was so obvious that in 1989, seven years after Brezhnev's death, the Soviet government actually stripped him of the Order of Victory, the Soviet Union's highest military award.

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Secret Military Base

Secret Military Base

Secret Military Base - Thus, even though it is not a certified military site, staff members of this agency have direct access to the White House briefing room. This is something that even America's most powerful military establishment cannot claim.

For this reason, I believe that this facility deserves to be included in the list of secret and deep underground military bases. Area 51 is an active military base. For many years, it has held a certain mystery due to the occurrence of strange lights in the surrounding sky.

Secret Military Base

Secret Military Base I Built For My Mp Server : R/ProjectzomboidSource:

In 2013, the US government officially acknowledged its existence. Therefore, we now know that this is a US Air Force training ground. This may explain why the rumors were confirmed years ago. The idea of ​​completely banning mobile technology may make sense in some cases: "Few rank-and-file special forces operators can go weeks without toilet paper, soap or a cell phone," Nussbacher said.

Raven Rock

But he warns that the introduction of extreme restrictions could reduce the number of people willing to join the military or intelligence services abroad. A Defense Department review by George Washington University said plans were made to "evacuate the Pentagon, the agency's headquarters combat center, to [Raven Rock] and conduct surveillance after the attack was confirmed."

Most analysts blame the blackout on the U.S. military and other agencies, rather than on Straw. After all, the latter allows users to choose what information they share. "Strava offered a service," Nusbacher said. "It is not their fault that soldiers who need better training and briefing have made the service vulnerable."

The other four lakes are the reservoirs you will see outside. One is used for drinking water of the complex. The other three lakes are industrial lakes. Water from industrial lakes is used to extinguish fires or other necessities during peacetime.

During wartime, lake water can be used as part of a backup heating and cooling system. Even though the deal is now public, Diego Garcia's exact actions are still pretty bad. One reason for this is that the location is very physically distant from other places.

But according to CNN, the British government has admitted that the CIA has flown in detainees, raising questions about whether the base's remote nature has allowed it to become a secret version of Guantanamo Bay. He openly stated that he had tried to enter in the early 1960s, but an angry General Curtis LeMay said that not only could he not enter, but that he should not ask again.

Nevada Location Outside Secret Military Base Known As Area 51 U S Bizarre  Scene With Signs And Ufos Stock Photo - AlamySource:

According to Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California, Strava data can even be used to track people of interest as they move between military bases or intelligence facilities.

Lewis said in a groundbreaking article in the Daily Beast that Chinese analysts can track Taiwan's military based on its activity at a particular missile base, thereby uncovering previously unknown missile bases because the military's duties require that rotation.

basics. In fact, when it comes to some military equipment, looking at some of them for too long can quickly lead to security contractors asking you a lot of questions. In short, these places are very well designed.

With this level of secrecy and suspicion, society naturally generates a lot of interest and curiosity. Who doesn't love a good mystery? When it comes to US military facilities, there are some that are top secret these days.

Although most US military bases and facilities are naturally located in the continental United States, foreign countries and small land holdings make up the most secretive items on the list of shadow military bases. The best of them is located in a small atoll located a few kilometers from the United States.

A few years ago, these islands did not exist at all. They are just a shadow of the underwater reefs near the Spratly Islands. These 5 countries in the disputed area of ​​the ocean are not water demanding countries.

No one can figure out what China is doing here. It is unclear whether they want to control shipping and trade, seize oil and natural gas rights, or expand their military. Maybe all of the above.

323 Top Secret Base Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | ShutterstockSource:

According to, “Raven Rock Mountain Complex (RRMC) is a restricted military facility with an underground nuclear bunker. It includes remote, fortified and secure facilities in the event of a national emergency such as nuclear war.

While fascination with Area 51 certainly persists, the US military has several other secret bases built during the Cold War that are more mysterious about their true purpose and mission. According to CNN, the atoll is actually part of the Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean.

Diego Garcia, the base in question, exists in part because of a unique agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom. In 1965, the US agreed to lease the island from the British as a base, but the deal was kept strictly secret.

Although other neighboring countries such as Mauritius gained independence from the British Empire, this treaty meant that the Chagos Islands were still under the thumb of colonial British forces. Chagoss living on islands? He was kicked out to make way for the Americans and their secrets.

When it comes to conspiracy theories targeting the US military, the program known as HAARP certainly gets its fair share of controversy. As NBC reported, HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Atmospheric Exploration Program and is a government research project to study our planet's upper atmosphere.

However, some argue that HAARP was actually designed to create or control air-based weapons systems that could cause severe storms and deadly earthquakes. Also, no one on the conspiracy side has come up with a good explanation for how an airport in Alaska could be responsible for something like an earthquake in Haiti.

This site can provide the most advanced air technology for our air force and military. In fact, in the 1950s, planes were flown in stealth or at night. At that time, flying objects seen at such a height and at such a speed were strange and unbelievable.

Google Maps Genius Finds Secret Military Base Surrounded By Landmines In  The Desert | The SunSource:

Those strange and inexplicable lights made no sense to those living in the area. Seen as: Unidentified Flying Objects. But it's not just a matter of updating a few policies to address the security risks that Strawn points out.

In a world dominated by the growth of social media, the availability of commercial satellite and drone imagery, and the proliferation of smartphones, an entirely new cultural mentality is needed. On May 25, 2007, a Department of Defense policy was published in the Federal Register, stating that it is illegal for anyone to "enter onto the property ... any picture, sketch, photograph, image, map, or graphic representation of Raven Rock Mountain."

. It is difficult without the necessary permission in advance. “When the Cold War began in the late 1950s, the idea of ​​a heavily fortified command and control center was adopted to defend against distant Soviet bombers.

The Army Corps of Engineers oversaw the excavation of Cheyenne Mountain and the construction of an operations center at Granite Mountain. On February 6, 1967, the Cheyenne Mountain facility became fully operational as NORAD's combat operations center.

A military base so prestigious that you can't hear it from a UFO conference without being mentioned a few hundred times, it's locked in a facility known as Area 51. Because it was in the remote Nevada desert, officials also went to great lengths to notify the mother, CBS reported.

The US government did not even acknowledge the existence of the base until 2013. Military and intelligence hotspots identified by researchers and journalists have previously been revealed through other public sources. However, more worrying from a practical security perspective was the use of Strava activity data to identify people of interest and track them to other sensitive or private locations.

Researcher and activist Paul Dietrich said he used public data from the Strava website to track French soldiers sent abroad to their homes. Alien hunters and bored college kids in 2019. In September, he launched a plan to invade Nevada's 51st District.

The Chilling Geometry Of Every Us Military Base Seen From SpaceSource:

Originally inspired by an innocent Facebook story, the site has attracted more than a million potential visitors. As a result, the Internet and journalists immediately took notice, and the US military on the other hand. When the Cold War began in the late 1950s, the government decided to build a very strong command and control center to defend against long-range Soviet bombers.

The facility was built in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs. Although the facility was occasionally open for tours, it was discontinued after 2001. Sept. 11 7But 7NEWS took a rare tour inside and learned 13 secrets of Mt.

Technically known as Defense Test Activity Harvey Point, the base is said to be operated by the Department of Defense in eastern North Carolina. However, according to the New York Times, many are actually controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency, which keeps much of its work under lock and key and therefore does not advertise its high-security training base.

Other agencies involved include the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). © News Group Newspapers Limited in the UK no. 679215 Registered office: London Bridge, London, SE1 9GF.

The Sun, The Sun, The Sun Online are trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. This service is subject to Newsgroup Newspapers Limited's standard terms and conditions and a privacy and cookie policy. Please visit our syndication website for information on licensing materials.

Check out our online media kit. If you have any other questions, please contact us. Use the sitemap to see all of today's content. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Media Standards Organization (IPSO).

We now know that there are man-made islands on top of these reefs. Sand and rock piles or islands jut out of the ocean with the names Mischief Reef and Fiery Cross. They have infrastructure that raises some economic, ecological and political concerns.

The Top Secret Military Base Hidden In Chernobyl's Irradiated Forest -  Atlas ObscuraSource:

Bases contain missile defense systems, troops, radar towers and naval hangars. Most people understand that you can't just walk into a US military base as your own. Of course there are checkpoints, security screens, and questions about why you're there.

However, if you conduct business inside and don't look suspicious, you can enter. That is, unless you try to break into the country's most exclusive military equipment, which won't let you. a simple checkpoint or two that might be in a very sensitive area.

"The biggest concern is that data can be identified online, combined with other data or hacked into Straw, which is very worrying," strategist Peter Singer said. He is a senior fellow at Washington-based New America. "Knowing the person, life, etc. again not only threatens privacy, but the security of US military personnel, especially if they are part of the special operations community. Secret #7: Cheyenne Mountain staff have no windows in their offices,

because all you will see is a granite wall. However, inside the mountain there are some advantages like fitness center, gym, hospital, church, convenience store, etc. Google Earth brings us closer to untouched parts of the world.

It shows us things we didn't think about and maybe shouldn't have seen. Speculations about advanced technology found in deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B. facilities) are easily spread on online conspiracy forums. Innocent fitness trackers like Strava graphing activity. They've even accidentally opened the floors of secret bases. Of course.

, those poor soldiers were just trying to stay in shape In this day and age of boredom, it's important to separate fact from fiction. We're here to check out some real-life military bases around the world.

These bases have been in public for decades. At the same time, their location and existence have been covered by the media for years, so no secret military secrets shared here, sorry! We're here to separate the facts from the fiction and maybe let your imagination run wild.

From the outside, Fort Detrick may look like an ordinary military installation in Frederick, Maryland. Of course, you're probably busy seeing a base that includes one of the worst and most compelling initiatives of the United States military, historically and now a biological weapon.

Paul Gregory of Paul told the Suffolk News-Herald in 2013 that while little was known about what was going on inside the base, they were "blowing things up." They blow up cars, blow up safes. They blow things up.

Other researchers soon found international examples based on Strava users' activities with Google Maps and past news reports: a French military base in Niger, an Italian military base in Djibouti, and even CIA black sites. .

Several scholars have noted that Strawn's heat map better reflects the presence of Western military and civilian operations in developing countries.

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The uniform consists of: Gymnastka jacket with shoulder boards and khaki pants. This uniform looks perfect and feels very comfortable New condition, never used Select additional items below These 4 or 5 star reviews represent the posts of the people who posted them and do not reflect the opinions of ATC.

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Read more about our privacy policy, help center and policy on cookies and similar technologies IPCML maintains a fast-paced legal training environment with a full-year training program, which requires on-site support and possible domestic and international travel.

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Enables actions to support Officials in the Indo-Pacific region Some of the technologies we use are necessary for important functions such as security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy settings, internal site usage and maintenance data, and for the site to function properly for browsing and transactions.

IPCML is committed to a diverse workforce supported by a diverse culture that respects, values ​​and utilizes the contributions of people with different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. The IPCML is committed to implementing the Defense Reconciliation Action Plan and integrating a gender perspective as part of the Gender, Peace and Security Agenda.

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Turning off personalized ads settings will not prevent you from seeing Etsy ads or affect Etsy's own personalization technology, but it may make ads less relevant to you or more repetitive. The ADF Indo-Pacific Center for Military Law (IPCML) is a small, integrated team of civilian and reserve military law officers who train over 500 Australian and international military personnel, both through mobile training teams deployed in Indo-Pacific.

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